About Me

Aswathy Mohan

Certified RPA Developer at KBC Bank,NYC and TA at RUTGERS Continuing Education. Pursuing MS in Computer Science at NYU and expertize in Data Analysis and Visualization.

My Skills

My Projects


A Recommendation System to indicate top highly likely position titles with mapping salary that would fit a given job seeker’s current skills, education, education level, years of experience and other factors.


What is the concert landscape of the United States for the next year? This application explores concert trends across the nation in regards to genre, price, and location.

Sesimic Activity

Visualization of Sesimic Activity in US for last 7 days. Data Collected from USGS, visualized using GeoJson and Leaflet.

Mental Health Analysis across US from 2012-2016

Analysis conducted on the mental health of people in US based on the data obtained from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) to find trends based on employment, ethnicity, age, gender and location.

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Belly Button BioDiversity

The belly button is one of the habitats closest to us, and yet it remains relatively unexplored. This project combines the power of Python with Javascript, CSS and HTML, to explore the patterns and species found in the bellybutton.